Vietnamese Pork and Rice Noodle Stir Fry


1 pork tenderloin, cut in small strips

bok choy, sliced in pieces

onion, scallions, or shallots

peanut oil

soy sauce

brown sugar

fish sauce


Soak rice noodles in very hot water for 20 minutes, or as package directs you to prepare them for stir-frying.

Heat peanut oil in a big pot or a wok and add onion, scallions, or shallots. Stir as they cook. Add pork strips and brown. Add brown sugar and stir. Add fish sauce and soy sauce. (Brown sugar, fish sauce, and soy sauce, on a peanut oil base, constitute the basic taste of SE Asian stir fry.)

Next add the shredded bok choy and last the softened rice noodles. Stir to coat and combine flavors. Serve immediately, with more soy sauce to taste.